Monday, August 25, 2008

John McCain loosing ground in Home State

John McCain had a rough time last week, first he couldn't remember how many homes he owned and now the latest polls out of Arizona show McCain loosing significant ground. At the begining of August Ramussen had McCain leading by 16 points now the latest poll by Mason-Dixion has McCain with a narrow 6 point lead, McCain with 47% and Obama with 41% not only has McCain lost a staggering 10 points, he's lost it in his home state of Arizona.


Anonymous said...

Buch of horse shit. The majority of Arizona's voting population isn't "latinos", its Americans who are sick of his open boarder policy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe but he's loosing ground BIG time.

Say hello to President Obama!!!

Anonymous said...

Learn to use words and to spell. The word you are looking for is "losing" not "loosing" (which you have used numerous times, including in the browser page title and in the URL).

And, it's "Rasmussen," not "Ramussen."

Also it's "Mason-Dixon," not "Mason-Dixion."

Also, it's "beginning," not "begining."

You have another article titled "Whose your daddy McCain?" That ought to be "Who's your daddy," as in the contraction for "Who is."

Don't even get me started on the punctuation.

If you're going to open a blog, at least get a grasp on fourth-grade spelling and usage.

Anonymous said...

Awesome post. McCain is doomed!!!