Friday, June 20, 2008

McCain Brings the Midwest Flood Victims a Photo-Op

John McCain cares more about his photo-op in flood ravaged Iowa than he does about the people in the Midwest suffering from through the catastrophe.

An aide to Iowa's governor said Thursday that Republican presidential candidate John McCain ignored the governor's request to cancel a campaign visit amid a massive flood recovery effort in the state.

McCain toured flood-damaged sites in Iowa on Thursday, including the town of Columbus Junction in the southeast. [...]

Patrick Dillon, Gov. Chet Culver's chief of staff, said the governor was concerned that McCain's trip would divert local law enforcement from the flood recovery effort to provide security for McCain.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama canceled a scheduled visit to eastern Iowa last week at the request of state officials.

So although McCain's photo-op trip diverted valuable assets away from those in need their campaign did score some sweet photos of McCain in action.

Journalists and reporters immediately began to doubt the photo's authenticity asking suspicious questions, such as 'Why is it in black and white?' and 'What's with the fedora hat?' The campaign later issued an apology stating:

The initial photo we released was an honost mistake. The picture in question was from a photo-op Senator McCain did during the Ohio Flood of 1913. Thus the lack of color and odd style of dress.
The McCain campaign followed up with another super sweet McCain moment caught on film. He's off to a heck of a start.

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