Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain picks Comedian Tina Fey as VP

In a shocking move to shake this historic Presidential race up John McCain picked actress and comedian Tina Fey as is running mate. Fey is best known for, her work on Saturday Night Live as well as her work on 30 Rock, a situation comedy. Her experience in comedy will definitely be an asset the McCain campaign which everyone knows is now a joke. Hilarious!

We were also shocked to learn that aside from the television sitcom industry Fey found the time to be Governor of Alaska! Who knew?!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cindy McCain is going to Georgia and Nobody cares

Russia has escalated tensions in the region with its unilateral invasion of its neighbor Georgia with the potential for a new Cold War brewing John McCain takes action and sends his wife.

We know Johnny Boy can't make his own money, so he marries wealthy, we know he can't remember how many luxury homes he owns so he relies on his staff for that answer. Now it seems in times of foreign policy skill he'll turn to his wife to do that too. What exactly is John McCain good for? No one seems to know yet.

The extra-sad part about the whole thing is the Republicans tried to time it all so as to take the spotlight away from the Democratic Convention but nobody cares and no one is reporting on it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Whose your Daddy McCain?

McCain is such a major celebrity he even got the endorsement of Daddy we all know Daddy Yankee, the hip-hop star from Puerto Rico, he did win a Latin Grammy but you all knew that.

John McCain made it clear who his daddy was Monday morning.

Daddy Yankee, the hip-hop star from Puerto Rico, endorsed the Republican candidate Monday morning. Wearing black aviator shades in the library of Central High School here, Daddy Yankee said, “I believe in his ideals and his proposals to lead this nation…He’s been a fighter for the Hispanic community.”

The students gathered for the event clearly were not told ahead of time that Daddy Yankee was part of the deal. As the Latin-Grammy-winning recording artist walked into the room, the girls shrieked and screamed, grabbed each other by the hands and gasped at the sight of him. One girl fanned the tears from her eyes.

“I just wanna say thank you, Daddy Yankee,” McCain said.

Daddy Yankee is known for the song "Gasolina” which falls under the genre"reggaeton", a blend of hip-hop, dance music and reggae.

Many in the press corps joked about the intersection of the song (with its lyrics, when translated into English, are: “She likes gasoline,” he says. “Give me more gasoline!” a woman responds) and McCain’s energy policy. In fact, Washington Wire is told the phrase has nothing to do with the traditional meaning of gasoline.

John McCain loosing ground in Home State

John McCain had a rough time last week, first he couldn't remember how many homes he owned and now the latest polls out of Arizona show McCain loosing significant ground. At the begining of August Ramussen had McCain leading by 16 points now the latest poll by Mason-Dixion has McCain with a narrow 6 point lead, McCain with 47% and Obama with 41% not only has McCain lost a staggering 10 points, he's lost it in his home state of Arizona.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

McCain runs a tight Ship...not really

The McCain camp is desparate to try and get the spotlight back on them so they float this BS story but pay close attention:
Retired Gen. Colin Powell is among the potential running mates who have been considered by John McCain, campaign advisers told Politico.

Powell was among the possible vice presidential choices theArizona Republican senator was thinking of when he said he would not rule out a supporter of abortion rights, a key adviser said.

Campaign officials say McCain has told them not to discuss the process.

Catch that? No, not that lame attempt to remain relevant by throwing Powell's name around but the telling message about McCain's control over his own campaign.

The first sentence ends with "...campaign advisors told Politico." and then a paragraph later "Campaign officials say McCain has told them not to discuss the process." So McCain says to his staff don't discuss this with anyone and they turn around and blab to Politico. Brilliant.

p.s. I do realize that controled leaks or deliberat BS like this can be strategic but why throw McCain under the bus with that last part highlighting his staff not following his orders? His campaign is in shambles.

McCain and that "moment of conception"

So we've reported here before about Cindy McCain's painkiller abuse and the possibility that her reckless behavior let to her tradgically having several miscarriages. John McCain opened up the door on this issue during the Saddleback Church Forum when he clearly stated when asked that he thought life and human rights began at conception:
WARREN: At what point is a baby entitled to human rights?

MCCAIN: At the moment of conception.
Of course the evangelical pro-life crowd cheered his response but there were no follow up questions. No clearification of how McCain would shape his policy around his declaration of "At the moment of conception" Does this mean that at the moment of conception a couple can claim that life as a dependant on their taxes? Or a woman can demand from her partner child support? Should it be illegal for a woman while pregnant to smoke or drink because it infrginges on the rights of the fetus? Does this mean that every miscarriage a woman has should be investigate as a criminal act as a potential manslaughter?

McCain's statement makes for a nice empty pander to the pro-life crowd. This is easily proven by McCain's voting record. If John McCain believes that a baby is entitled to human rights from the moment of conception, why does he support and vote for the funding of embryonic stem cell research?

Measure Title: A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for human embryonic stem cell research.

McCain (R-AZ), Yea

Thursday, August 21, 2008

McCain's Wealth a Liability

Remember way back when John McCain was trying desperately to frame Obama as an 'elitist'? Well looks like that whole thing is gonna come back and bite McCain in the ass. He opened himself up to this when McCain was asked by a reporter 'How many homes to you own' and McCain had no idea, the McCain's own so many its hard to keep track. But check out this.
"In her recent Vogue interview, conducted from the newer Coronado condo, McCain explained that her husband, a Navy veteran, initially wasn’t keen on the idea of a pied-à-terre in Coronado.

"When I bought the first one, my husband, who is not a beach person, said, 'Oh, this is such a waste of money; the kids will never go,'” she told Vogue. “Then it got to the point where they used it so much I couldn't get in the place. So I bought another one.”

Through her trusts and other corporate entities, Cindy McCain also owns another three properties: a scenic ranch outside Sedona, Ariz., where John McCain has entertained staff, prospective running mates and political reporters; a three-bedroom Arlington, Va., condo that’s been John McCain’s Washington-area residence since 1993 and the La Jolla, Calif., condo on which the back taxes were due.

The McCains increased their budget for household employees from $184,000 in 2006 to $273,000 in 2007, according to John McCain’s tax returns."
That first part is priceless talking about the house:
"Then it got to the point where they used it so much I couldn't get in the place. So I bought another one.”
Isn't it wonderful that the McCains are so fabulously wealthy that when one of their vacation houses..oh I'm sorry their "pied-à-terre" gets to crowded they just buy another. This is the real kicker though:
" The McCains increased their budget for household employees from $184,000 in 2006 to $273,000 in 2007, according to John McCain’s tax returns."
Yeah they spend over a quarter of a million dollars a year on household servants! This is of course the Republicans goal, to create a class of uber-elites like the McCains and have all us normal Americans work as their household servants. George Bush started the ball rolling and John McCain is going to try and finish us off.


Too funny.

John McCain can't remember how many houses he owns

Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) said in an interview Wednesday that he was uncertain how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own.

"I think — I'll have my staff get to you," McCain told Politico in Las Cruces, N.M. "It's condominiums where — I'll have them get to you."
If he doesn't know how many homes he owns he is either uber-rich and has too many too count or he simply can't remember. If he can't remember a simple fact like how many homes he owns then it is official, he is senile and unfit to run the country.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Did Cindy McCain have an Abortion?

It is widely known that Cindy McCain had several miscarriages and while nobody can say for sure why those miscarriages occured, there are several swirling rumors that they were caused in part from complications suffered from an earlier abortion she had when she was younger.

Normally, I would say that digging up these kind of painful personal experiences is the lowest of the low for a political campaign but John McCain opened up the door during the Saddleback Church Forum when he clearly stated that he believed life to begin at conception. McCain also said, if elected, he would be a "pro-life President and have pro-life policies".

So what type of pro-life policies would John McCain support? Would he declare self induced miscarriages to be voluntary manslaughter? Would he have all miscarriages be reported to a Ministry of Health and then investigated? Women can self induce miscarriages in numerous ways, heavy alcohol or drug use to name one such method and we know that Cindy McCain was addicted to pain killers Percocet and Vicodin taking in excess of 20 pills a day.

So did Cindy McCain have an abortion? Or has her painkiller addiction induced her several miscarriages? The McCain's need to come clean quickly before a clever investigative reporter puts all the pieces together.

McCain Supports Draft for a 100 Years of War

An audience member at a recent townhall event brought up her concerns about having enough troops to track down Bin Laden stated:
"If we don't reenact the draft, I don't think we'll have anyone to chase bin Laden to the gates of Hell."
McCain agreed to the draft proposal with:
"Ma'am, let me say that I don't disagree with anything you said. Thank you, and I am grateful for your support of all of our veterans."
So you better all prepare yourselves and your children to fight McCain's 100 year war because he is ready to draft us all.

Friday, August 8, 2008

McCain responsible for the loss of thousands of jobs in Ohio

So how exactly has McCain cost Ohio thousands of jobs? Basically Senator McCain worked closely with Rick Davis, his current campaign manager and lobbyist for the foreign owned company DHL, the package delivery company. The lobbyist Rick Davis talked to his buddy McCain so that McCain could clear the way for foreign owned DHL to take over the American company Airborne Inc. Now DHL wants to outsource those Airborne Inc. jobs which just happen to be in Ohio. Way to go McCain!!!

Here are the details:

In recent days, Sen. McCain has been criticized by Democrats and local unions in this pivotal electoral state for his support five years ago of DHL's $1.05 billion acquisition of Airborne Inc., then the struggling No. 3 express delivery company in the U.S. behind FedEx Corp. and UPS. As part of the deal back then, DHL acquired Airborne's main air cargo operation, based in Wilmington, and thousands of the company's workers there. Sen. McCain's presidential campaign manager, Rick Davis, also worked at the time as a private lobbyist for DHL. Sen. McCain's and Mr. Davis's support for the 2003 deal was earlier reported by the Cleveland Plain Dealer this week.

In the past five years, DHL expansion in the U.S. soured, and the company lost billions of dollars. In May, the company announced a retrenchment, including plans to outsource most of its air cargo operations in the U.S. to rival UPS, eliminating about 8,000 Wilmington jobs.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

McCain and Bush put more people out of work

John McCain and President Bush just keep on giving don't they. Bush's economic policies supported by McCain for the last seven years are now showing results:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The number of newly laid off people signing up for jobless benefits last week climbed to its highest point in more than six years as companies cut back given the faltering economy.

The Labor Department reported Thursday that new applications filed for unemployment insurance rose by a seasonally adjusted 7,000 to 455,000 for the week ending Aug. 2. The increase left claims at their highest level since late March 2002.

Republican economic policies have always been a dismal failure and of course Bush and McCain are no exception.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"See you at the debates, bitches."

Paris Hilton's response ad has disgraced the McCain campaign with over 3 million views in the last 24 hours framing McCain as an old out of touch celebrity and then taunting him with a "See you at the debates, bitches." send off.

Old man McCain can't even hold his own with Paris Hilton. How's he going to take on Iran?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Paris Hilton just pwn3d John McCain

You know you have problems when Paris Hilton can lay the smackdown on your Presidential campaign.

"He's the oldest celebrity it the world, like super old. Old enough to remember when dancing was a sin and beer was served in a bucket."
Looks like "wrinkly white-haired" guy has a major problem.

McCain Offers His Wife Up for Topless Contest

Wow! You can't make this stuff up, seriously. I would never have thought that in an election year where the U.S. saw its first serious campaign by a woman to be President that in the same year we'd have a candidate so utterly tasteless that he would offer his own wife up for a topless contest at a biker rally.
"Yesterday evening John McCain took part in the Sturgis Rally 2008 at Buffalo Chip in South Dakota, an annual tribute to veterans. The candidate was so enthused, he told attendees, that he encouraged his wife to participate in the festivities: "I told her with a little luck, she could be the only woman ever to serve as both the first lady and Miss Buffalo Chip."

Monday, August 4, 2008

John McCain Senior Moment

John McCain is old. He is turning 72 this month and I think he is having one too many senior moments on the campaign trail. I think the media needs to look at this issue more closely. Is McCain competent enough to run for office?

Big Oil Owns John McCain

Yep, that's right Big Oil literally owns John McCain, he has been bought and paid for by Big Oil profits.
Oil and gas industry executives and employees donated $1.1 million to McCain last month -- three-quarters of which came after his June 16 speech calling for an end to the ban -- compared with $116,000 in March, $283,000 in April and $208,000 in May.
All of Bush's Oil cronnies were just waiting for McCain to flip-flop his position on drilling to be sure he was a good o'l boy just like Bush and do their bidding.

Friday, August 1, 2008

John McCain will Loose his Home State

So it looks like John McCain is so unpopular that he might even loose his own home state of Arizona. He is destined to have the most incredible FAIL come November.